Committee Pages

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Read more on " Registry"


This committee provides a forum for discussion of problems encountered by Registrars and Program Managers with various registry software programs in use throughout the state. The committee also acts as an liaison with the Texas Department of State Health Services to identify problems and recommend solutions encountered with the State trauma registry. The committee also provides educational opportunities to improve registry skills and operates the Texas Trauma Registrars website.

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Read more on " Legislative & Public Relations"

Legislative & Public Relations

The workgroup serves as a media for communication of activities at the national, state, and local levels and is also responsible for publishing a quarterly TTCF newsletter. The workgroup educates trauma program leaders, other Texas organizations, and elected officials of the need for legislation that supports improved access to quality trauma care for all patients. It also promotes community and elected officials' awareness of issues related to trauma.

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Read more on " Education"


This workgroup provides members with educational offerings that address all aspects of the trauma patient, and assists other TTCF Committees in presenting special topics or information as they are identified, as well as facilitating continuing education credits.

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